Parameters | Details | Preview Network | Mainnet |
AuthoringRewardsInEra | Initial authoring rewards(cru/era) | 150 | |
StakingRewardsInRra | Initial staking reward(cru/era) | 600 | |
DecreasePeriod | The period to decrease reward | 90 | 365.25 |
SessionDuration | Duration of one session (min) | 10 | |
SessionsPerEra | Sessions in one era | 36 | 36 |
BondingDuration | Unbonding duration (era) | 28 | 28 |
SlashDeferDuration | Real execution timing after being punished(era) | 28 | 28 |
SPowerRatio | How much CRU can stake to 1TB SRD file | 1 | |
MaxGuarantorRewardedPerValidator | For each Validator, how many guarantors can receive rewards | 64 | 128 |
MarketStakingPotDuration | The period of releasing part of the storage fee to the staking pool (cru) | 60 | 60 |
MAX_GUARANTEE | The maximum number of guarantees for each guarantor | 16 | 16 |
MAX_UNLOCKING_CHUNKS | The maximum number of funds that can be unlocked at the same time | 32 | 32 |
HistoryDepth | Reward collection deadline (era) | 84 | 84 |
Parameters | Details | Preview Network | Mainnet |
REPORT_SLOT | Work report cycle(block) | 300 | |
PunishmentSlots | Penalty for loss of stake limit caused by work report missing (REPORT_SLOT) | 16 | |
sWorkerReLoad | Penalty for loss of stake limit caused by reload sWorker (REPORT_SLOT) | 1 |
Storage Market
Parameters | Details | Preview Network | Mainnet |
FileDuration | File validity period (blocks) | 2592000 | |
InitialReplica | Replica nodes that can directly receive file storage rewards | 4 | |
FileBaseFee | Basic storage fee (cru) | 0.001 | |
FileInitPrice | Initial cost per MB (cru) | 0.000001 | |
StorageReferenceRatio | Storage supply and demand baseline: If the percentage of storage exceeds this value, the price will rise, otherwise it will fall | 25% | |
StorageIncreaseRatio | Storage price rise speed (cru/order) | 0.00001 | |
StorageDecreaseRatio | Storage price fall speed (cru/order) | 0.00005 | |
StakingRatio | Percentage of storage cost allocated to the entire network for staking rewards | 80% | |
TaxRatio | Percentage of storage cost allocated to the network tax | 10% | |
UsedTrashMaxSize | Expired files exceeding this number will all become invalid files | 1000 |